Parent Pack – allergy resources




Parent Pack - allergy resources

Having a child diagnosed with allergies can be overwhelming but with education, allergies are manageable.

Children’s Allergy Books x 5

Parent Allergy Book Guide

We have put together this parent pack which includes five of our popular children’s allergy books, a parent guide to allergies helping you navigate eating out, reading labels, language to use, family celebrations, birthday parties, cooking, cross-contamination, and lots of helpful tips to help you ease into your new normal.

Allergy Posters

A selection of 10 visual posters that you can use at home or share with kindy and school. They help your child, family members and friends become Food Allergy SMART.

Parent Tip Sheets

Sending your child to kindy or school can make parents anxious but we have our Parent Tip Sheet helping you prepare for kindy and school.

Allergy Bands

There are also two Food Allergy SMART bands one for a parent and one for a child included.

Allergy Stickers

We have also thrown in some of our allergy alert stickers. I carry an EpiPen sticker x 3, very handing for kindy or school and our Don’t Feed Me stickers x 2.

Parent Resources and Craft

There are also discussion points to download from each book with teaching points parents can discuss and a whole range of fun craft activities will be emailed to you.

Emotional Support

We know from personal experience that receiving the diagnosis that a child has allergies can feel very overwhelming so we have partnered with a professional councellor as keeping on top of your emotional health is going to help YOU, your family and your child. An anxious parent can create an anxious child. Simone will provide a 15-minute free consultation. Simone Albert Counselling supports children, teens and families navigate through stress, fear, and anxiety that may arise when managing life with allergies.

Covers multiple food allergies

allergy books age range

Included in our Family Allergy Pack

Children's allergy books
Children’s allergy books x 5


Allergy Stickers
Allergy Stickers

EpiPen Alert Sticker


Food Allergy SMART allergy bands
Food Allergy SMART allergy bands x 2


Parent Guide on Food Allergies
Parent Guide on Food Allergies


Visual allergy posters
Visual allergy posters x 10


Parent Tip Sheets
Parent Tip Sheets for kindy and school


Craft and activities for parents
Craft and activities for parents – emailed to you


Food Allergy Counselling - Simone Albert

food allergy counselling
Food Allergy Counselling with Simone Albert – 15 minutes consultation



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